At this point, humankind has found a way to put weed in just about everything you can think of. Have we gone too far? Nah. Edibles are popular for many reasons; their potency and easy dosage process, as well as being a great alternative to smoking, make them a hot commodity. Whether you’re taking the first steps into finding the right edible or a seasoned cannasseur trying to branch out, these edibles are a fun way to get a great high.
The most commonly used ingredient in at-home edibles is the same as most recipes: a whole lot of butter. Cannabis-infused butter, better known as cannabutter, is easy to make and will open up a whole new world of delicious cannabis sweets and treats.
The first step to making your own cannabutter is called decarboxylation, which is essentially baking the weed at a very low temperature to convert the molecules into THC. This produces the “stoned” effects we’re looking for. Do not skip this step! While it may sound a little too scientific right off the bat, this is a key aspect in ensuring your butter is potent and effective. Preheat your oven to 245ºF and spread a cup of buds (roughly 7 to 10 grams) out on a nonstick baking sheet. Use parchment paper too if you have a bad history of burns with your cookware. Bake the buds for about 40 minutes, shaking them around with a spatula every 10 minutes or so to ensure even temperatures, and voilà, your cannabis has now been decarboxylated and is ready to be ground up and turned into something delicious.
Adding the butter is the easy part. Melt a cup of butter and a dash of water over low heat (this will keep it from burning) on the stovetop until it’s almost entirely liquid before adding your ground cannabis from earlier. Keep the heat super low and simmer the concoction for two to three hours, stirring regularly and ensuring it never comes to an actual boil. After the time is up, strain the liquid into a container of your choice through a cheesecloth, and boom! You now have savory cannabutter at your disposal for a plethora of different recipes.
Important!: Make sure you test the dosage of your butter before going crazy with a recipe! Taking too much of any edible or having a sky-high dose unknowingly will make for a less than fun experience for everyone involved. Try a half a teaspoon of your butter on a cracker or toast and wait to see how potent it is. This is a great way to get a better grasp on how much you’ll need in any given recipe.
Brownie Recipe
Brownies are a cult classic in both the cannabis world and among the general population, renowned for their diverse recipe possibilities. The best thing about DIY edibles is that you have complete control over how much weed is actually going into the product, and you know how much you can handle as an individual. Making edibles at home can be risky business, but with the proper knowledge and preparation, you’ll end up with homemade brownies that can satisfy your sweet tooth and send you to the moon at the same time.
You can substitute your favorite brownie recipe or add in extras like nuts or caramel, but here’s a consistent one to follow to get started. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and grease a baking pan of your choice with nonstick spray or butter. Melt 4 ounces of unsweetened chocolate in a mixing bowl and combine it with the cannabutter, 2 cups of sugar, a dash of salt and 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract. Add 3 eggs individually and mix in between each until everything is combined. Finally, add in 1¾ cups of flour and mix one last time. Pour into your greased pan and bake for 25 to 30 minutes, depending on your preference and oven. Let cool and serve in small squares at a dinner party, or eat them all to yourself. We won’t tell.
Apex CBD Hemp Protein Powder
Including hemp in your morning protein smoothie may not be common sense quite yet, but it’s actually crazy good for you and is currently the craze of the exercise industry. Vegan, non-GMO and gluten free, this nutrition-packed protein powder is perfect for the bodybuilder who tends to be a little more au-natural. One serving, or 50 grams, of this protein holds boasts 86 milligrams of CBD and zero percent THC — so you won’t have to worry about toppling over or craving a triple chocolate brownie after tossing this into your smoothie.
Little known to the general public, hemp is actually a phenomenal source of protein and can be utilized to really amp up your daily workouts. It contains essential amino acids our bodies need to function at peak levels of performance. If you’re someone who holds organic produce near and dear to your heart, hemp products and protein powder will be the best thing since sliced bread. Best of all, this brand is even locally distributed straight out of Bend. Order your protein powder online at Apex Shop.
Drip Sweets Ice Cream
It’s not a strange story to hear of someone lighting up a joint, taking a few long puffs and then, before they know it, ending up with a half-eaten pint of ice cream in their lap. One of the top five dangerous munchie cravings, a sweet treat like gelato or a cone is often reached for to ease cottonmouth and rumbling stomachs. Why not cut out the middleman? Drip Sweets, a Portland-based marijuana candy company, brings us exactly that: cannabis-infused ice cream. Offered in two classic flavors, salted caramel and cookies & cream, this is the perfect solution to a bad case of the munchies.
With the serving sizes conveniently located on the packaging itself, dosing is easy-peasy with this edible. Even downing the whole carton won’t leave you bedridden. Drip Sweets sends a message of positivity, letting your imagination run free and truly enjoy your experience, whatever it may be. If you’re not sold already, this is an all-female run company, founded and run by women who are passionate about cannabis and satisfying sweet cravings. You can find Drip Sweets at local dispensaries like Mary Janes, TJ’s Organic Provisions and Modern Forest.
Dr. Jolly’s Peanut Butter Cups
Do you love peanut butter cups? Are they the first thing you crave after taking a few puffs of an indica? Dr. Jolly’s is here to save the day with over 40 milligrams of THC packed into a handful of delicious peanut butter cups. Creamy peanut butter is rolled in savory chocolate and packaged locally in their main distribution center in Bend, Oregon. This sweet treat is the perfect movie popcorn pairing or after-dinner relaxer after a long day.
Depending on your tolerance, just one or two of these cups will be the perfect body relaxer and provide a mellow high of giggles and coziness. For the more experienced, eating them together could be the recipe for a solid night of sleep and an especially delicious dinner, but be sure to pay attention to your own body and start slow to ensure a positive experience. Dr Jolly’s peanut butter cups conveniently split up the dosage between several cups in each package, so it’s easy to take a few nibbles and see how it makes you feel. Bonus tip: keep a bag of unmedicated Reeses Cups on hand in preparation for the munchies so you’re not inclined to just swallow the others whole. Check out these tasty sweets at dispensaries like Eugene OG, TJ’s Organic Provisions or Emerald City Dispensary.
Magic Number Ginger Beer
This craft-brewed beverage is topping the charts of weed-infused treats with it’s bubbliness and savory ginger flavor. Blazing the trail of the “cannabis revolution,” Magic Number produces this out-of-the-box experience locally in Bend at their Canna-Brewery. Similar to another infamous cannabis product of theirs, infused cold brewed coffee, medicated ginger beer has flooded the shelves of dispensaries around Oregon as the latest and greatest way to get a sweet high.
The drinks are as magical as they are refreshing, made up of fresh Peruvian ginger and pure cane sugar to add a little sweetness. Sold in 12 oz single-serve bottles, this local company makes it even easier for the consumer by putting the magic number right on the bottle. Available in 3mg, 10mg and 25mg, there’s a dosage for all types of connoisseurs — although you do have to have a medical card to qualify for the highest dose as it’s not for the faint of heart. A smooth combination of indica and sativa, these tasty beverages are sure to make a float on the river just a little bit closer to perfect.
Wild Urban Condiments
Do you slather every meal you eat in a savory sauce or seasoning? Are you addicted to Tapatio or Jack Daniels BBQ? Hot sauce lovers rejoice; they’ve found a way to put weed in that, too. Wild Urban Condiments, ran by an international executive chef with over 30 years of experience in the culinary industry, is bringing hot sauces, barbecue rubs and even pesto infused with cannabis oil to a dispensary near you. While they come in small packages of little over two ounces, each sauce packs a whopping amount of THC and the classic tastiness of the hot sauces and rubs we’ve come to love.
The BBQ sauce, loaded with nearly 45 milligrams of THC in each bottle, is a perfect pairing for any meat or vegetables that need an extra kick. If you’re interested in a bit of spiciness itself, their hot sauce offers 50 milligrams of THC and a biting chili pepper heat to compliment any taco or pasta you can think of. If you’re more into sweet stuff, fear not: they also offer a wide range of gourmet chocolate snacks and sauces to go with your favorite dessert. Priding themselves on cooking every bottle from small, hand-crafted batches, Wild Urban’s cannabis comes straight from good ol’ Oregon and is even pesticide free. Check out SpaceBuds or Eugene OG for these cool additions to your dinner tonight.