Javay Frye-Nekrasova
Marijuana has a long-established connection with spirituality. There is a ritual within picking the strain that will suit your soul, grinding, rolling, burning, and smoking it. The herb heightens one’s senses, increases awareness, calms the body, and marries it with the mind.
It’s no surprise that shamans, priests, and many religious figures have been using the plant to open themselves up to the spiritual world and assist with meditation since ancient times. It’s used in many Eastern religious practices, such as praying, yoga, and meditation, to relax and elevate the mind. Some have even theorized that it was a major contribution to the birth of spirituality.
Similarly, Halloween is known as the “Season of the Witch,” where the “veil” between this world and the spirit world is most thin. Those who practice witchcraft say that this is the perfect time to make contact with it via seance. Because a seance is a very spiritual experience, the ritualistic nature and elevating properties of marijuana make an excellent pairing with a Halloween seance to open up the spirit world to believers (though, of course, it is not required). For non-believers, a reefer-induced seance is a fun and exciting way to get together with friends on Halloween and try something new, even if you end it having laughed like toddlers all the way through.
So, in the spirit of Halloweed, here are some tips on how to thin the veil and thicken the air with a seance enhanced by Mother Mary Jane:

Choose the right strain. Whether you’re looking to speak to a spirit or just have fun, choose a strain and method of consumption that will suit your intention. For those looking for a genuine experience, choose weed that you know will calm and relax you. You want your mind to be completely clear and open.
Choose a quiet room that can be dimmed. In order to work, a seance requires complete focus from all parties involved, as the veil is very fragile. All phones must be put away, and the room needs to be dim and quiet. Pets have actually been found not to disrupt the connection, so a cat jumping on the table shouldn’t cause concern.
Choose the spot where you will perform your seance. Preferably, the seance will take place in a comfortable spot where you can all sit together and hold hands, such as in a circle on the floor or around a coffee table.
Set up your area: Place objects that will work for your seance in the middle of your circle. This can be objects from a deceased loved one, spiritual herbs, tarot cards, cursed objects, or crystals. Candles are a definite must, and salt is known to ward off evil spirits.
Cleanse the area: Many people burn incense or dash olive oil beforehand to cleanse the room of negative energy.
Assign a medium: If you do not have a professional medium to guide the seance, assign someone to mediate the ritual. This person will communicate first with the spirit world and lead the incantations. It is also helpful to have a spirit board, such as an Ouija board or a pendulum, for yes or no questions to communicate more effectively.
Write questions to ask the spirits: Because seances require complete focus, it’s essential to understand your intentions before communicating with the spirit world to avoid getting too distracted in the moment.
Consume your marijuana. Whether smoking, eating, or concentrating your THC, you want to make sure that you’re getting just high enough to be elevated and open. Make sure, above all, that you’re in a safe place mentally and physically. Start with a small dose, such as one or two hits, and return to it when applicable.
Begin the seance with a prayer or incantation: After a quick meditation to get everyone in the same place, with clear heads and completely relaxed, recite an incantation or prayer, such as Psalm 23, together, asking the spirits to make themselves known while making your intentions clear.
Continue the seance, but don’t forget to end it when you’re done. After the opening prayer and incantation, everyone must wait for the spirits to make themselves known. Sometimes, they will do this through the medium, another person at the table, or in other ways. It’s important to listen and have an open mind. Then, everyone can take turns asking their questions and listening for answers. The seance should end with a prayer or closing incantation to invite the spirits to leave.
Ultimately, it’s essential to be safe and responsible all the way through. This means respecting the spirits, safely consuming marijuana, and taking care on Halloweekend. Whatever happens, whether you’re conjuring spirits, getting high, or gettin’ down, have a very happy Eugene Halloween!