Celebrate: Would your friends say you’re the life of the party, or more of the “mom friend”?
Life of the party: Munchies – hard pass, or give you all the snacks?
Oh my gosh, I’m starving: Indica
No thanks: Sativa
Mom friend: What’s your ideal way to unwind?
A nice drink on ice: Hybrid
A solid afternoon nap: Indica
Netflix: When you’re high, what’s your go-to activity?
Clean the whole house: What’s your preferred smoking tool to use?
Bong/pipe rip the best: Hybrid
Joints are the only way: Sativa
Watch ALL the TV: What tunes are always playing during your smoke sesh?
Rock and roll, dude: Sativa
Acoustic, something mellow: Indica
Sativa: You like to take a few puffs, and then go get stuff done – you’re a sativa! Smoking is a quick pick-me-up for you to really feel accomplished and carpe all the diems. You’ll be caught organizing the kitchen or doing some homework with strains like Sour Diesel, Green Crack, and Alaskan Thunder.
Indica: It’s time to just, like, totally chill out bro – you’re an indica. Smoking with you is all about laying back, relaxing, and having a good snack bowl ready to go. The weekend is finally here and your pre-rolled joints and Netflix queue can’t wait to get started. Indicas can be found inventing new food combos and napping with strains like Northern Lights, Purple OG Kush, and Afghani.
Hybrid: Not too hot, and not too cold – you’re a hybrid. You don’t wanna feel like you have too many responsibilities, but lazing the day away isn’t quite your style either. Take a good rip, relax a little bit, and enjoy the day with a nice high. Catch hybrids writing in their journal or taking a walk through the park with strains like White Widow, Pineapple Express, and Ghost OG.