While we all have a preferred smoking method, glassware is a must-have for many marijuana users. After deciding which strain to use, the second important decision is the method of consumption. Lucky for us, Eugene has plenty of local glass shops, also known as head shops. These shops will help you make the best purchase for your weed needs. Several of the glass shops around town are locally-owned and dedicated to their practice, able to provide for each smoker’s preferences. No matter your price range or consumption preference, there’s a glassware shop nearby to help you out.
443 E 13th Ave. / 541-844-1585 / Mon. – Sat. 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. and Sun. 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Conveniently right down the street from campus is Cornerstone, a perfect stop for glass products. They have a wide array of affordable glass pipes in various arrangements, colors and sizes. They also promote local glassblowers work, which feature various colors and eccentric designs. Cornerstone’s water pipes come in all sorts of bright colors, and if you want to shed just a few extra dollars, their higher-up water pipe designs are another great option for inhalers.
Santa Clara Smoke Shop
664 River Rd. / 541-654-5772 / Mon. – Sat. 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. and Sun. 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Santa Clara Smoke Shop uses products from over 30 different local glass blowers. Their products are constantly changing due to changes in the artists who provide for them. So if you want something unique and one of a kind, stop by Santa Clara for something specifically “you.” They have hand pipes, water pipes, bowls, downstems and concentrate accessories. Santa Clara also has the widest selection of vape products and juice in the area. They exclusively carry Emerald vapors, simplifying your need to decipher the differences between various vape products.
133 E 13th Ave. / 541-345-3337 / Mon. – Sat. 10 a.m – 9 p.m. and Sun. 11 a.m – 8 p.m.
Midtown sells locally made water pipes, bubblers, e-pens, dry pipes, concentrate supplies, vapor domes, vapor rigs, oil rigs and glass accessories. They sell a variety of products from local artists and top name brands. Every week, they have new pieces and provide new selections. They promote unique and top selling products that stand out among the crowd of glass shops in Eugene. You can’t find their unique products anywhere else.
Hunky Dory
271 W 7th Ave. / 541-345-1853 / Mon. – Sat. 10a.m. – 8p.m. and Sun. 12p.m. – 6p.m.
Hunky Dory is arguably known for being students’ favorite glass shop, right down the road from the university. They offer a wide selection of products and price ranges for any cannabis user. From hookah accessories to vaporizers to books and other products, they have it all! They also offer Miss Mary Jane leggings and Honey House Natural products.
Sweet Tooth Glass
3815 W 11th Ave. Ste 100 / 541-345-7777 / Mon. – Fri. 10:30a.m. – 7p.m., Sat. 12p.m. – 6p.m. and Sun. 12:30p.m. – 5p.m.
If you’re looking to support a small town, local business — look no further than Sweet Tooth Glass! They offer local handmade products from glass blowers Schott, Glass Alchemy, Northstar and Blast Shield. They also have a bench rental station for local artists and/or glassblowers to use!