It’s important to know cannabinoid profiles when choosing between the different types of edibles out there. Some are THC-dominant, others are all CBD and some contain both, with 1:1 ratios or a variety of other proportions.
When most of us think of edible cannabis, we think of the psychoactive effects of THC. But there are many other ways CBD, a non-intoxicating, therapeutic cannabinoid can behave in the body. We visited Moss Crossing, recent winner of best dispensary in Eugene Weekly, and talked to edibles cannasseur and budtender Jessie Daher about her favorites and when to eat them.
“For me, getting into edibles was the key to unlocking a better lifestyle and quality of life in general. I had severe insomnia for years that was feeding into other chronic pain issues. Once I got that handled, I realized what deep sleep felt like. Now I use edibles every night,” says Daher. So how can we know what to expect from these different products? “1:1 products are amazing for insomnia and chronic pain. THC and CBD work together synergistically to promote relaxation and healing in the body. You can’t go wrong. CBD in particular is preventative, and a lot of people don’t realize that. They think CBD is just to treat a problem. It’s actually better to prevent one. It’s one good way to lower inflammation and decrease cortisol [a stress hormone] in the body long term,” says Daher.
Retreats CBD Gummies by Willamette Valley Alchemy (Eugene) $19
3 gummies per package
24 mg CBD, 1 mg THC per gummy
These tropical gems are nothing like Haribo Bears. Made by hand right here in Eugene with real fruit purees and no artificial ingredients, they come in passionfruit, grapefruit, and strawberry flavors with blueberry launching soon. Retreats are “one of the strongest CBD edible products out there. They’re great if you tend toward anxiety or want to prevent inflammation,” Daher says. There’s also a THC version if you want psychoactive effects. Each batch is strain-specific, kind of like a single-origin coffee or chocolate bar, except Retreats uses locally-grown flower.
Mr. Moxey’s Mints CBD Herbal Pastilles by botanicaPORTLAND (Portland) $30
5:1 CBD : THC
20 Mints per tin
5 mg CBD : 1 mg THC per mint
For the proper people. “Not only are they discreet, easy to take with you and tasty, you’re not going to have the psychoactive effects either.” These are perfect thing if you’re a microdoser and want to pop one or two at the end of your long day to unwind. With a 5:1 mg ratio of CBD:THC, the effects are very subtle. Mr. Moxey’s Mints won first place in the 2017 Dope Cup for the CBD Edible category. Find out why.
Junk Marshmallow Bon-Bons by Leif Goods (Portland) $24
3:2 CBD : THC
9.4 mg CBD : 6.8mg THC per bon-bon
6 bon-bons per box
Vegan marshmallows. Covered in chocolate. Topped with chocolate salt. Yes, the salt is infused with chocolate. Far from junk, these are the ultimate indulgence. The near-equal ratio in this product makes it a favorite among those with complex medical issues, but it’s also great for anybody looking for a balanced high.
Leif Goods Peanut Butter & Jelly Organic Chocolate Bar $24
1:1 THC : CBD
42 mg THC, 47mg CBD per bar
10 servings
The golden ratio (and maybe the golden ticket too) can be found in this chocolate bar. It’s truly amazing how much it tastes like a PB&J sandwich. The secret is the strawberry powder sprinkled on top. Chocolate is also a quick way to get results. “It’s a vasodilator, so it helps your system absorb the cannabinoids a lot faster,” Daher explains.
Cinnamon Maca Almond Butter by Lux (Bend) $17/27
500 mg per jar
Available in a 6.5 oz or a 1.27 oz. jar
Want to keep the good times rolling on a backpacking trip? Just toss this jar in your bag. With a malty, butterscotch flavor, Maca is a powdered root. According to Lux, the Incas used it for strength and stamina, and this THC formula will make your hike all the more enjoyable. Imagine cookie butter that tastes like graham crackers, but good for you. Yes, you can consider this a health food. Lux already took home first place for Sweet Edible in the 2017 Dope Cup. It’s delicious right off the spoon, or if you’re snacking, why not add some to sliced apples or toast, or drizzle on a smoothie or granola bowl. Though it’s tempting, we don’t recommend eating the whole jar.
Piqmiup Tea in Lemon & Jasmine Harmony Sativa Blend by Upward Cannabis Kitchen (Portland, OR) $14
5 mg each
3 tea bags
There’s not much a cup of tea can’t cure. Daher says these are another good option for microdosing and a good way to get THC into your system quickly. Piqmiup comes in several blends including indica and hybrid. They’re made with looseleaf tea, other herbs like lavender and cannabis distillate, which is flavorless. Sativas are more energizing, indicas are calming, and a hybrid is, well, somewhere in between.
Magic Number Ginger Beer (Bend) $5/$7/$9
3, 10, or 25 mg per 12 oz. bottle
Daher says people can’t get enough of these drinks, which are a favorite among the edibles crowd. Why? Because they’re super affordable and get into your system a bit faster. What’s not to love? The best part is that the mg marks on the 25mg bottle show you where to stop drinking to control your dose. We’ve heard these make amazing floats, and yes, Moss also sells medicated ice cream. Cheers!