How and when did you become a budtender?
It was the summer of 69… Wait, scratch that! That was the moon landing… albeit how I became a budtender did feel like a story that was written in the stars. It was a mystically magical combination of waiting, timing, and experience. Some longtime friends came to me with a job offer and an idea to open a dispensary. Moss hadn’t even been born, still a twinkle in their eyes, yet I knew this was going to be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Two and a half years later I’m still working the most emotionally rewarding job I’ve ever had to pleasure of partaking in. My skill set of working in all avenues of customer service, for 17 years, had really paid off.
What was it like the first time you got high?
I’ll never forget that first time I got high. My step-brother and I felt it necessary to venture as far away from the house as physically possible. Once we made it to the other side of the pond on my parents property, we sat behind a tree, fired up my new Zippo, and sparked a party bowl big enough to get 10 people high! I can still remember the sensory combination of lighter fuel and ditch weed terps. We coughed our lungs out, every hit, and proceeded to space walk our way back to the house. Time slowed way down, my body felt extremely heavy, and we managed to polish off an entire box of strawberry shortcake popsicles. I blasted off to another world with my new best friend, Mary Jane.
What’s one funny or weird customer interaction you’ve had?
You never know when they’ll strike, but as soon as they ask you a question, and don’t wait for a response, you know you’ve entered the Twilight Zone! No matter how much information you provide, all they can hear are their own thoughts. I dub them the “thinking out-loud” customer. Most of the time my silence can snap them back into reality, and we find something they didn’t even know they wanted. Win win! I get a lesson in patience, and they get a solid recommendation.
How do you approach recommending a product to a customer?
I’ve found that it’s a two way street. I like to begin by asking a few questions of my own. “What time of day do you like to consume? How would you rate your tolerance to Cannabis? Are you looking for any specific effects?” Gathering information about a customer gives me a head start to effectively finding something I think they’ll enjoy. Because strains react differently to each person, I try my best to ask enough questions, not to overwhelm, but to ease them into making their own decisions.
What’s one stereotype about cannabis users that’s true? What’s one that’s false?
Can they find joy in the simplest things? TRUE! My Cannabis of choice soothes inflammation and pain, slows down my thought patterns, and mellows the mind enough to truly enjoy the little things in life. Not the annoying little things, the magnificent eccentricities that get lost in our hyper analysis of the world around us. Take some time to slow down and appreciate the sloths pace for a change. What more can I say? The sloth life chose me.
Do all Cannabis users like watching Bob Ross? FALSE! Not all stoners enjoy the soothing sound of his voice, the way he creates something from nothing, life lessons taught via “happy little trees”, and squirrel buddy shenanigans. On second thought, I take it back! Everyone, stoner on not, loves Bob Ross.
What do you look for in a strain?
Terpenes. More often than not, if I enjoy the smell of a strain, I’m going to enjoy the taste and effects. My relationship with the Cannabis plant and this process, has not led me astray. I do tend to lean towards a more mellowing mood, so terpenes like Caryophyllene and Linolol are some smell profiles I seek out.
What’s special about this shop?
Moss Crossing is not only a soothing place to chat it up and buy a blunt, it’s a hub for information, and a springboard for squashing stigmas. They value our opinions, treat us with equality, and nurture a compassionate environment that enables us to approach the day with patients and kindness towards whomever walks in the door. Also the laid back vibe and decor of the shop won a DOPE Magazine Industry Award for the “Best Atmosphere” in all of Oregon! Stop by, if not for some education, just to say HIGH and see what we’re all about.
Best part about the job? Worst part?
Best: The people! Experiencing first hand how Cannabis is benefiting a customers daily life is one of the most rewarding things about being in this industry, and that’s just the customer side of things. My co-workers, the owners, vendors, growers, extractors, bakers, crafters, so many wonderful people involved in making Oregon one of the BEST States to find something safe to consume! We are one of the few states that requires ALL products to be free of pesticides and mold via rigorous analytical testing. Go Oregon! Keep’n it green!
Favorite way to consume?
The best way to consume is to find what works best for your lifestyle. I’d say my favorite way to consume is the “combination method”. I start most days with a baseline level of Cannabis derived CBD, taken in a tincture or mint, to squash any pain or inflammation I’m experiencing. I have some screws and hardware in my femur from a car accident I was in a number of years ago, so CBD’s have become a big part of my herbal treatment. Then, depending on what day it is, I generally get my THC sometime in the mid to late afternoon with a gummie, chocolate, or infused beverage. I usually save my smoking rituals for the evening time with a hit of the bong, Hemp wrapped Moss Crossing rolled blunt, or CO2 oil vape pen. Ultimately I don’t dislike any of the methods of consumption, so I do tend to mix things up if I’m feeling fancy.
What’s your favorite munchie food or favorite thing to do while high?
Favorite munchie?
Salty and sweet, or anything crunchy, and chocolate. Yeah, chocolate.
Favorite thing to do while high?
Playing mentally challenging games. Something like “Cards Against Humanity” is a great balance of social interaction and sparks my mind enough to enjoy cleverly crafting a properly inappropriate winning card. I also thoroughly enjoy zoning out to nature documentaries, making abstract art while listening to psych rock, playing kickball, and brainstorming the answer to the universe. So far I think it might be 42.
What accessory or paraphanelia do you like to use?
Hempwick has quickly become one of my favorite accessories. It enhances the smoking experience by removing butane from the inhalation equation, and allows for a more accurate sensory experience. No fuel equals more natural flavor. Just make sure you’ve fully extinguished your hempwick between uses. My favorite paraphernalia has got to be the Launch Box from Magic Flight. It’s a dried herb vaporizer that has a lifetime warranty, numerous accessory upgrades like: a grinder that fits perfectly on top to funnel herb right in, a water bubbler that attaches with a hookah hose, and a home use cord that plugs into a wall outlet so you don’t have to drain the batteries. It is the most simplistic portable flower vaporizer on the market. #availableatmosscrossing 😉
When I’m not here, I’m…
Lucidly traversing a dreamscape created by my subconscious mind OR discovering a new band I had no idea I couldn’t live without.
Are you high right now?
Yes indeedy.